
Thursday, September 22, 2011

On This Day, My Sweet Girl...

My sweet sweet Hannah.... our baby-girl,

You're turning 3 years old today and I just can't wrap my head around how fast time has flown by. Here in your third year of life, it is very important that you know just how much you are loved... and wanted... and prayed for... not only by us and your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, but by your first families, too. The number of people who love you and pray for you stretches across oceans and hearts and time and families... to the moon and back. THAT, my precious girl, is how special you are!

You are so many things to me and your Daddy... here are just a few;

                                                                                                                    You are prayed for...


 You are silly and goofy...

You are memorable...

                                                                              You are slightly mischievous...

You are a princess, daughter to a King...

You are a Daddy's girl...


  • You're a Mommy's girl, too....

You are a friend...

  • You are strong and independent...

You are unrepeatable....

     HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANNAH! You are LOVED on this day and every day!


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