
Monday, January 2, 2012

A Big Day For A Big Girl!

Can you tell what today was?!?!

Today was our baby-girl's first day of (pre) school!!

Joey and I have been feeling for a while now that moving, potty-training and school are such big life-changes for our girl and now that we're settled into our new home, we wanted to be in a routine and have those transitions complete before Baby #2 arrives (whenever that may be). Babies are big life-changes, don't you think? Especially for a toddler!

Hannah is social, independent, potty-trained, and SO ready for school! After 'interviewing' about 3 schools, we are so excited about the pre-school Hannah is attending! She'll be in school 2 days a week and will have Spanish, Science, Chapel, and Music each week... and she's THREE! I'm amazed at how much has changed since I was little... this is NO day care, friends; our girl's in school :-)

Hannah had a wonderful first day... and was chosen as 'line-leader' for the day so she led the class to Spanish and Chapel (oh, the things a 3 year old gets excited about... well, 3 year old's Mommys, too ;-)).

She was EXHAUSTED when she got home, took a long nap after lunch... and this is how we spent our evening;

it was perfect :-)


  1. How is my girl so big? I'm very excited for her!

    ~ MiMi

  2. Bumped into your blog today and really enjoyed reading it! Hope your new little one comes along very soon! We are praying about starting the adoption process again and it is quite daunting.

  3. Hi Bumber :-)

    I've loved reading through your comments and your blog, too... thanks for stopping by!

    I'm excited to follow your journey, too.

    Lindsay :-)


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