
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

On Loan From Heaven... and the woman behind the song (A GIVEAWAY!)

GIVEAWAY UPDATE (as of June 19, 2014)... YOU CAN ENTER UNTIL JUNE 23, 2014!!!

One of the most common comments I get in reference to my blog...

"I LOVE the name of your blog!!"

One of the most common questions...

"Where did you come up with that?!"

The responses, my friends, date back to 2010.... let's flashback;

  I lived with my grandparents for about a month before I started at a new college as a transfer student during my Sophomore year. A woman came to their church for a mini-concert and I joined them. I can't remember her name.... how I wish I could remember her name. She sang a song that has never left my head; I could even sing the chorus to you if you asked me to and I will never forget the words:

"She's on loan from Heaven
And she's mine for just a while.
God I know you love me,
When I look into her eyes."

I'm starting to think that I made these lyrics up... if I did, good for me! I love them! And if you happen to be 'that girl'.. if you wrote this amazing song... I hope you'll reach out to me. You've impacted so many aspects of my life with your song!

What an impact those words had on me when I became a Mom to my sweet Hannah. All I did for the first few days she was home was study her; her long eyelashes, her beautiful blue eyes, her tiny fingers and toes, the way she smiled when she sneezed. And all I could think was "she's all mine!" Then I'd remember these lyrics (wherever they came from... :-/) and I would take comfort and pride in the fact that she wasn't mine, Jesus was just letting me borrow her for a while... and OH! How much He must love me to trust me with His precious child!

I have spent 7 years searching for the beautiful woman who wrote this song... I have Googled the lyrics, searched for the phrase itself, and have spent countless hours rummaging through old boxes of CD's to find the one that I vaguely remember throwing away... because I had literally played it so much that it wouldn't work anymore. I have not heard that amazing song since then... since 2007.

I have had such a burden on my heart for so many years to find this sweet singer.... to let her know how much her music meant to me, how her words have been etched into my heart forever,  that I firmly believe that God spoke those words to her in order that they might change me as a mommy, and how the words have changed so many other lives through this blog.

So you'll understand my complete shock when I received this email a couple weeks ago;

Hi Lindsay ~ 
I was linked to your page through Facebook and noticed your web page name and your wonderful purpose. I wrote a song a long long time ago called just that "on loan from heaven" and if there is any way it would benefit you let me know. 

(The Chorus);

She’s on loan from heaven, 
And she’s mine for just a while
God I know you love me
 when I look into her eyes
Your handiwork has left my heart assured

She’s on loan from heaven

~ Katy

Just listen...

(Excuse my HORRIBLE excuse for a sound clip... I'm working on a better one ;-))

With shaking hands, I immediately copied and pasted my post from October, 2010 into my reply and stood in my kitchen and waited to hear her response....

All she could say was "wow"...

And that echoed my own heart completely.

In a matter of minutes, Katy and I were getting to know each other on the phone... and we've been talking since. Let me tell you, friends... There aren't many people like Katy out there; she is so kind hearted!

To think that I have spent all these years searching for her... and God brought HER to ME.

She has blessed me in more ways than I can describe!

Katy is not only a beautiful, beautiful singer/ song-writer, but her passion for Jesus is undeniable through her music and her sweet spirit. She has spent the past few years growing her precious family and leading worship where and when she can, but has had to put aside her own music ...

And that's just not ok with me. Katy's music needs to be in your home... in your heart...

And I'm determined to see that it gets there :-)

I was finally reunited with Katy's beautiful song last week... the song that touched my heart so long ago...

And it was magical! Hannah and I played that one song over and over and over again... and by the 3rd time, she had it memorized, too ;-)

 Katy generously mailed a copy of BOTH of her CD's and they've quickly become family favorites...

 but she also sent me THREE of her Meadows of Mercy CD's to give away to THREE of YOU!!!

And I can't wait!!

SO... here's how this awesome giveaway will work;

I have THREE Meadows of Mercy CD's to give away to 3 individuals and you will have a few chances to enter to WIN 1 of them;

Basic entry... Just leave a comment!!!
Extra entries; 

Entry #1- Head over to iTunes and purchase the single On Loan From Heaven.... and then listen to it! When you're done crying ;-), head back here and leave a comment quoting your favorite line of the song (chorus doesn't count ;-)).

Entry #2- Leave a written rating on iTunes of one of Katy's albums and leave a comment here letting me know that you did... I will compare names to ratings to be sure you get proper entries for this!

Entry #3-  'Like' On Loan From Heaven on Facebook (if you don't already) and then'Share' this post by using the 'share' button on Facebook, then come back here and leave a comment letting me know that you did (note; it's essential that you use the 'share' button on our Facebook page so that your name shows up and I can verify your 'share' compared to your comment)

Entry #4- Head over to Katy's website and browse around... then come back here and let me know what one thing stands out to you about Katy and/or her music.

EXTRA ENTRY- Purchase Katy's album Meadows of Mercy or Princess in Disguise on iTunes for yourself and forward your receipt to me at onloanfromheaven (at) yahoo (dot) com... then come back and leave me a comment letting me know to look for your email! (And if you win, you'll have a CD to give someone as a gift!!)

That's it! I know I'm asking you to invest some time and effort into this giveaway, but that's how badly I want her music to be in your heart! 

There is a maximum of lots of entries per person and 3 winners of the giveaway... with the possibility of one more giveaway if we have enough entries ;-) Take your time completing each entry... you have a week!

Our drawing for the free CD's will be on Saturday, April 12 at midnight (CST)!

Questions? Don't hesitate to ask!

And thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me support such an amazing woman who uses her beautiful talent to continue growing God's Kingdom... I'm so excited for you to get to know her, too :-)


  1. Bought the single... Love the line 'and even now you see all the tears she'll cry and all the dreams she'll dream.' Such a beautiful song! - Robyn

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shared on Facebook! - Robyn

  4. Bought the song and love it! - Ginny

  5. Bought the single-"You know how many hairs make up this curly head sticking up on the highchair." Goes with Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7! Love it!!! Jennifer M.

  6. Went to Katy's website! I loved her testimony! My husband is a youth pastor and I get to witness exactly what she spoke about as a struggling youth in her faith! And to see when God changes those kids' hearts is the most amazing picture!!! I love when she says "I learned that knowing who you are in Christ is so essential in spiritual warfare." Jennifer M.

  7. As a personal friend of Katy's I am also amazed at how God brought the two of you together. He is such an awesome God and is always working for our good. Katy is an awesome artist and friend!

  8. Mollie Dettinger-AshcraftApril 10, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    I shared this post & also went to her website & love her story about how she got off the "see saw" as I can relate to her story!

  9. I want to shield her heart from every single hurt. Beautiful song.. this is alicia lee

  10. I left a ratings on ITunes under lillabird. I akso shared this on facebook and I went to her website and the one thing that stood out to me was the saying "trusting god with your children is one of the mist rewarding but difficult things you can do." Love that...this is alicia lee!!!

  11. Christina StottlemyerApril 10, 2014 at 1:35 PM

    I love the music, but most of all I love the cover. She looks so free, and so open. It's just beautiful!

  12. I LOVE your music!!!! I shared the post on FB too.

    Angela S.

  13. Those lyrics made me weep. God is so good to us.

  14. Those lyrics made me weep. God is so good to us.


We love to hear your thoughts, but if you leave one please own it and leave a name with your comment :-)