Update below;
I'm sitting here tonight holding my perfect, full-term, brown haired, blue eyed baby boy....
he's such a happy baby... good eater... amazing sleeper... loves to 'talk' already... his smiles come so easily...

And I'm completely overwhelmed with love for him.
And I wonder...
"What if he wasn't?"
Wasn't full-term... wasn't a good eater or sleeper...
what if they said he wouldn't walk one day...
or talk...
what if he wasn't 'perfect'?
How would I feel when I held him... 'that' baby...?
But then I remember...
I felt anxious...
Completely unequipped to care for him... to keep him alive...
But I could do one thing....
I could love him.
And I did.
I do.
More than anything in this world.
Because I have that full-term, brown haired, blue eyed baby boy...
And I also have a dirty blond, curly haired, brown eyed, 30 week preemie baby boy who wasn't supposed to walk or talk or eat ...

And all I see is 'perfect'.
And I get to hold them both tonight.
There's a special baby girl who will meet her forever family soon...
She's so young but has been through more than most of us can say we have.
Her First Mama chose LIFE for her...
and because of YOU, her First Mama will be able to choose her forever family.
Every single one of you were instrumental in giving this precious First Mama a CHOICE ....
That's right... she will have MORE THAN ONE family to choose from as she finds the best family for her baby girl... and 24 hours ago, she had NONE.
Every single one of you are responsible for a sweet baby girl finding a forever family and avoiding foster care.
Thank you for being vulnerable and open to allowing God to use you to be the hands and feet for another one of His most precious creations.
I can't wait to update you again soon when yet another family is made complete!
Tomorrow is a BIG day that will change so many lives... a precious baby girl's, her amazing First Mama's, and a special Forever Families...
A few prayer requests;
* Pray for baby girl's health... that she stays strong as she waits to be united with her Mama and Daddy any day!
* Pray for baby girl's First Mama.... her greatest loss is another Mama's greatest joy and she will feel the weight of the tragedy and the freedom of joy in this decision for the rest of her life.
* Pray for her Mama and Daddy... that they will see and feel how God has been preparing their hearts and home for this precious miracle!
* Pray for every family that sent in their home study, praying fervently that they would be this baby girl's family.... pray for the families this First Mama doesn't choose tomorrow, as their hearts will be broken... and for many of them, this won't be the first time.
And a favor...
The stories of these precious babies travel further than you or I could imagine... this baby girl's story was seen by over 200,000 people in 22 hours. These stories change lives that we don't know needed to be changed... They touch lives and remain imbedded in hearts for days and weeks... and closure is invaluable. Please 'share' baby girl's updates... provide not only the closure someone's heart needs but also share how good our God is... how a body of people can come together to truly love such precious babies. These stories restore faith in humanity and these days, we can't have enough faith!
Thank you, friends... your obedience when God asks us to help these babies never ceases to amaze me... you are changing lives.