I lived with my grandparents for about a month before I started at a new college as a transfer student during my Sophomore year. A woman came to their church for a mini-concert and I joined them. I can't remember her name.... how I wish I could remember her name. She sang a song that has never left my head; I could even sing the chorus to you if you asked me to and I will never forget the words:
"She's on loan from Heaven
And she's mine for just a while.
God I know you love me,
When I look into her smile."
I'm starting to think that I made these lyrics up... if I did, good for me! I love them! And if you happen to be 'that girl', I hope you'll reach out to me... You've changed so many things in my life with your song!
Anyway, what an impact those words had on me when I became a Mom to my sweet Hannah. All I did for the first few days she was home was study her; her long eyelashes, her beautiful blue eyes, her tiny fingers and toes, the way she smiled when she sneezed. And all I could think was "she's all mine!" Then I'd remember these lyrics (wherever they came from) and I would take comfort and pride in the fact that she wasn't mine, Jesus was just letting me borrow her for a while... and OH! How much He must love me to trust me with His precious child!
The truth is that I've had a blog since 2007 and I treated it like a journal. I've wanted to make my blog public for some time now; not because it's the "thing" to do (though, it is), but because I love to write. So instead of making it public, I'm starting a new one... but don't worry; it will include 'flashbacks'. Our family is unique and is about to grow again through the miracle of adoption. I want to invite all of you (as long as you're nice :-)) to join us in this exciting process!
A few disclaimers (and warnings) before we begin:
* I use :-)... a lot
* I reserve the right to make minor grammatical errors, regardless of the fact that I was, admittedly, an English teacher
* I use.... a lot
* If you're nice, I'll be nice :-) (SEE?)
* I will delete anonymous commentors... please own your comments :-)
* I reserve the right to add to this list
I am SO excited to share our lives with you... from the beginning. Are you ready?!?!
Let's go!