Election Day is tomorrow.
Maybe you already voted...
Regardless of how you voted, I'm just glad you did.... This post isn't for you :-)
Maybe you have an important meeting on Tuesday...
Maybe your lunch break is the only hour in your day you'll have for yourself...
Maybe your child's school is closed on Tuesday because it's a voting location and if you vote you'll have to drag them along with you...
Go anyway.
Let your kids see you vote.
While I have never specifically stated my political preference, I typically don't hide much so I might not be that hard to figure out....
How I vote doesn't change who I am... whether someone agrees with me or not... it doesn't change who you are, either...
But I feel like this is important... it's been on my mind... and I have to say something.... And in true Lindsay-fashion, I'm going to say it...
I care about every aspect of voting for our next President... education, taxes, employment, health care, war, social security...
and abortion.
I do believe that a 'fetus' is a baby... a person... from conception;
From the moment that the sperm touches the egg (if you have cooperative sperm and eggs... which we do not...)... from the moment a LIVE sperm touches a LIVE egg... you have life....
From the moment that the sperm touches the egg (if you have cooperative sperm and eggs... which we do not...)... from the moment a LIVE sperm touches a LIVE egg... you have life....
A person whom God has written a Book for... a story of their life; how he or she will look, what he or she will be, how he or she will live...
how he or she will impact our world... because we all do.
A baby. A person. A life.
Something about adoption makes me think about abortion...
Nice, huh?
Well, it does.
I consider the crisis my children's First Parents found themselves in.
I consider the pain and anguish they went through in making decisions for this unborn baby
I consider the thought-process.... and how, yes, abortion can seem like the 'easier' choice... the quicker choice...
And I can see how that seems true. I do.
So, I consider that my children's First Parents, according to the world we live in, *could* have chosen not to have our children... their's and our's.
The didn't have to.
But they did.
And so I am a Mommy...
to 2 precious lives.
That's where my feelings on abortion start...
Then came Hunter.
Born at 30 weeks.
Critially ill when he was only at half-term.
Born with absolutely no hope for his future... for his life... medically.
A baby who, when delivered, would require thousands of dollars in medical bills, thousands of hours spent in doctor's offices, dozens of medications and dozens of specialists.
When it's put that way and you step back from what you believe... the right to life or the right to choose... It's kind of impossible not to consider that abortion actually DOES seem like the most logical choice... the easiest.
And honestly, when faced with a situation like Hunter's and his First Mama's, many doctors would push 'terminating' that pregnancy.
'Eliminating the fetus.'
'Therapeutic removal of the fetus."
'Suction Curettage."
I'm not above seeing how a woman *might* consider abortion as a logical option.
But then there's Hunter.
Hunter, born at 2 pounds 13 ounces and at 30 weeks gestation... a fetus...
Today, Hunter is 7 months old and a very *large* 13 pounds ;-)
His life, itself is a miracle.
The determination and strength his First Mama had throughout her pregnancy and the day he was delivered is a miracle.
The countless odds he has beat are miracles.
I recently splurged on a video monitor for Hunter's room and the other night I glanced over at it and saw this...
I was struck immediately by how closely his picture resembles many of the 3 and 4D ultra-sound photos friends of mine post on Facebook weekly...
Pictures of their babies... their 'fetus'...
at 20 weeks ...
or 25 weeks...
or 30 weeks...
Where is the difference between their unborn baby....
and my 7 month old?
My beautiful son.
As I walked away from 10 weeks in the NICU, I made a promise to myself that I would fight for life...
A team of hundreds of doctors and nurses fought for my son's life... before and after he was born.
His First Mama fought for his life.
Because he couldn't fight for his own.
Vote as you will...
I truly just want you to vote... to have your say.
But on the off-chance that you're feeling conflicted over one thing or another... will you do me a favor?
Will you think about Hunter?
Will you consider his life? The plan that was in place for his life even seconds before he was born... while still a 'fetus'...
The plan that's already in place for thousands... millions... of unborn babies right now?
Regardless of how he was conceived or under what circumstances he would be born into... his First Mama knew....
It wasn't about her... even though society gives us permission to think so.
He was a life...
He still is...
He's my life...
And he's our life... her's and mine.

Well said!! As an adoptee myself, and as a someday-mama to an adopted child (God willing), abortion has always been on my heart. I asked for memberships to Lutherans for Life as a young girl in elementary school for my birthday gifts. When one can personally say, "But for the grace of God and the selfless act of my birthmother, I could be an aborted child," it hits home. Abortion is not simply a political preference. Abortion is a moral decision. A choice between a life and the end of a life. A choice between taking the "easy" route and the right route.
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautiful coming from you. Your words are so true and echo the deepest feelings of my heart. My pastor actually preached on adoption as his sermon series this month is the church's role not only in bringing the message of salvation but also in social justice (caring for the orphans, widows, and the poor as Jesus expressly taught). Adoption and abortion are topics so close to my heart. I feel honored that I am an adoptee whose parents chose me. I believe that God is always in control, and man not should not try to stand in the way of God's plan. Thank you for this post! Love that sweet picture of you and Hunter!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post.
ReplyDeleteI had an abortion almost 25 years ago. I have a list of reasons why it made sense at the time but no excuse can justify what I did. I have regretted my choice every single day of my life. Now that I'm older and have more kids I look back and wish someone had been there to stop me or make it illegal or at least make it much more difficult for me to access and see as an option. I promised I would devote the rest of my life to supporting life. I pray I get to see my baby in Heaven one day. I think about him/her every day.