After about 2.5 years of recurrent throat, sinus, and 'unknown' infections, and high fevers, her daddy and I refused any more antibiotics and specialists and baby-girl had surgery on Friday! (Note the excitement in this sentence... this was a long time coming). Hannah has the most incredible 'team' of pediatricians, ENT's, and Allergists and we are so thankful for their knowledge, skill, and how well they all work together to help us make decisions for our baby.
Early early Friday morning, we headed to the Children's Hospital and did our best to prepare our very tired, very grumpy, and very very hungry 3 year old for a Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy...
Our first priority was to control her Asthma as well as possible....

Then, she had to try out all FOUR of the cool cars the hospital had to offer and make the difficult decision of which one she would drive into the OR.... out of the wagon, the train, the truck and the princess car, guess which one she chose?? ;-)

Surgery went incredibly well (only 20 minutes long) and waking up proved to be the biggest challenge of all....

Our angel, sans tonsils and very enlarged and very infected adenoids....

Once awake (and happy), not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR Popsicles were on the menu....

3 hours later, we headed home.... (with a very itchy face, thanks to the anesthesia)

The baby-sized wheel-chair was perfect for our girl... (notice how Dora made it to the hospital with us!)

And to make his girl feel better, Daddy carved a Dora pumpkin and even made her friend, Kai-Lan to keep Dora company on our porch!
It's been a LOOOONG and somewhat painful weekend but we're thankful for a healthy girl, amazing doctors, good pain killers, ice cream, and lots of prayers!
NOW, if we can only keep our big and healthy eater satiated on a VERY limited diet of soft foods and pain meds for another week, we'll be good to go...
(Side note; I had my (very successful) tonsillectomy when I was 26 and it was one of the worst recoveries I've ever had... and I've had plenty! I am SO SO SO thankful that Hannah had hers at a young age, that her recovery will be shorter than mine, and that she won't remember a thing about it when she gets older! Our prayer now is that she finds TREMENDOUS relief from those stinking infections!!)
NOW, if we can only keep our big and healthy eater satiated on a VERY limited diet of soft foods and pain meds for another week, we'll be good to go...
(Side note; I had my (very successful) tonsillectomy when I was 26 and it was one of the worst recoveries I've ever had... and I've had plenty! I am SO SO SO thankful that Hannah had hers at a young age, that her recovery will be shorter than mine, and that she won't remember a thing about it when she gets older! Our prayer now is that she finds TREMENDOUS relief from those stinking infections!!)
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