Hi Baby~
Today is Easter.

Easter is one of my favorite Holidays... it represents everything 'new' and everything your Daddy, your sister, and I live for;
Today was amazing....
Our day was probably like everyone else's... We woke up early, dressed up, wore special perfume, spent extra time on our hair, wore new shoes that really just ended up hurting our feet, curled/straightened/flat-ironed our hair and came down stairs....
but when most kids come downstairs on Easter morning they find an Easter basket overflowing with treats and presents that the Easter Bunny left for them while they were sleeping (or not sleeping because it's Easter-Eve, after all ;-))....
(our Bunny eats Fruit Loops and Peeps, apparently ;-))
Not your big sister.
When we came down stairs this morning, your big sister found a special, hand-written note from the Easter Bunny himself that read something like this;
Happy Easter, Hannah!
Easter is about Jesus and how much He loves you... and oh! He loves you so so much!
I made such a special Easter basket for you this year and I can't wait to give it to you but since Easter is about Jesus, I want you to listen carefully at church this morning and learn all you can about how much Jesus loves you....
When you get home, you will find the most special basket waiting for you and it will be full of treats just for you!
Do you know how much your Mommy and Daddy and Jesus love you?
They love you more than chocolate, and cupcakes, and Dora!
I love you that much, too!
The Easter Bunny
I know, I know; that sounds mean, doesn't it? All of the anticipation and excitement, the tradition involved in finding that special basket that was put together just for you... I know. But you see, the Easter Bunny's reason for leaving his note first is very important.... and it's something I want you to know now;
The excitement and anticipation that comes with Easter morning is new... it hasn't always existed in our World. A long time ago, Easter represented something entirely different....
It represented death, and sacrifice, and pain, and sadness....
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
1 Peter 2:24
1 Peter 2:24
And for your young mind, my precious little one, those things sound scary; not anything like bunnies, and treat-filled eggs, and new shoes.
Don't be scared, baby because what comes next is exciting...
While Easter will always involve candy, and treats, and bunnies, and new shoes, it will also always include Jesus; the One who gave His life for our sins... for all of the bad things we've ever done or ever will do.... who died on the cross, covered in thorns and with nails in his hands and feet.... and who rose from the dead 3 days later.
"“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
Easter is about Jesus... first.
You see, baby.... Easter is a happy and fun and exciting day but not because of the treats and candy and new shoes. It's a happy and fun and exciting day because you and me...
you and me and your daddy and your big sister and your Nee and Tata and Ghee and Grandpa Darrill and Onk and Bonk and Day and Aunt Jessie and Mimi and Grandpa and Nanny and Tutu...
We are loved so so much that someone, that Jesus, gave His life for us and when He rose on the 3rd day, He went to Heaven and saved a place for us... a place that is more special than treats, and candy, and new shoes, and Easter baskets, and bunnies.
That's pretty special, isn't it?
So when your big sister woke up this morning and put on her beautiful dress, and I braided her hair, and she put on her new shoes, her excitement and anticipation weren't about a basket or treats or bunnies....
Her excitement was about Jesus.... about going to church to learn about the One who created her, the only one in the entire world who loves her even more than her Daddy and me, and who hand-picked her to be our baby.
Just like He hand-picked YOU to be our baby, too.
You see, baby... a long long time ago, Easter wasn't about everything 'new'... but it is now.
YOU, my precious baby... YOU are the only thing we were missing this Easter.
And baby?
We missed you!
Me and your Daddy, we cried for you today... because we miss you.
Me and your Daddy and your sister, we prayed for you today.... we prayed that your heart will always be open to Jesus and that you will love Him with all your heart even when you're very young.
We prayed for your First Mama and First Dad... that this Easter, they would feel peace and support and love.
We prayed for your First Mama and First Dad... that this Easter, they would feel peace and support and love.
Your Nee and Tata and Ghee and Grandpa Darrill and Onk and Bonk and Day and Aunt Jessie and Mini and Grandpa and Nanny and Tutu.... they miss you, too.
We are praying so hard that next Easter you will be with us.... you and your sister will wake up early, dress up in your beautiful clothes, put on your new shoes, and come down stairs.... you'll read your hand-written note from the Easter Bunny, himself and then... then we will go to church and learn about the One who loved us enough to give His life for us...
And who gave us YOU.
I love you more than bunnies, and treats, and new shoes,
~ Your Mama
(Next year I just know that your sweet little cheeks will be right there next to your Big Sister's!)

(Next year I just know that your sweet little cheeks will be right there next to your Big Sister's!)
I love the note! What a fabulous idea!