Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sweet Earth

Are there certain scents that you associate with a memory, either good or bad?

I had spinal fusion surgery when I was 13 years old to correct Scoliosis. Thankfully, I don't remember a lot of my week-long hospital stay but one thing has stuck with me all these years; the smell of the lotion my mom was wearing when she stood next to my hospital bed and I was sick to my stomach from the pain medicine the nurses gave me. I don't know what lotion it was but every time I smell something even remotely close, I feel sick to my stomach. I know my mom, and I know that she has impeccable taste in perfumes and lotions so I don't doubt that it would have smelled good to me under different circumstances. I associate that smell with the awful memories of Scoliosis surgery and hospitals.

There are good smells, too. When we were going through our first "wait" for a baby, I was teaching high school English so I got home from work at 3:30 every day. I would spend time in the afternoons when I had the house to myself reading my Bible or devotional, and spending time with God. I would always light the same candle; Wicks N' More's Sweet Earth. I associate the sweet smell of that candle with the peace that overwhelms you when you've just finished pouring your heart out to God. That kind of peace can ONLY come from God and if you've felt it then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, give it a try... it's incredible.

My point is that I have been searching all week for a sense of peace. I've spent so much time with God and have just been waiting for that peace that passes all understanding. I walked through my kitchen today and caught a whiff of that Sweet Earth candle and I was pulled back to a few years ago and was reminded of that peace. It overwhelmed me. God gave me that undeniable sense of peace through my sense of smell.

I know that so many of you are waiting. I've loved hearing from you this week. Have you spent time with God? I mean, really spent time with Him? Is there anything that pulls you back and reminds you of His promises? Maybe it's a person, a verse, a smell, a special place in your home that you set aside for quiet time. Whatever it is, make it present in your life so you are always surrounded by God's promises and His peace that passes understanding.

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